+251 114 651 212


Improving Food Security & Livelihood Option

Improving Food Security & Livelihood Option

This is one of the important functions of ASE. If aims at improving availability of food in the food in secure areas, improving access of the poor community members for food, improving food utilization and supporting the stability factors that affects the local food system. The following are the key strategies ASE is following along the important dimensions of food security and livelihood options mentioned here above employing

  1. Production enhancement (making food available):- 
    The action emphasizes on testing new technologies, identifying and developing local innovations and come up with solutions against constrains productivity and utilization of food. Moreover, ASE will work on developing small-scale irrigation and promoting water harvesting technologies to support the rain fed agriculture. Both crop & livestock production are extensively address in the Ethiopia highlands and in the pastoral areas.

    ASE will therefore assign staff at programme area and Kebele levels to facilitate learning; link the farmers with input and technology providers, and encourages CBIs to promote the tested technologies at a wider scale.

  2. Enable farmers command better income (Improving Access to Food)

    This can be seen from two angles – Creating market access and developing rural entrepreneur skills. ASE will provide the maximum attention to transform the prevailing subsistence agriculture to market led production and help the participants generate better income. ASE will also promote rural entrepreneurial skill as important interventions to generate income there by improve the food security status of the community. Therefore, ASE provides/facilitates entrepreneurship skills, enterprise development and links them to MFI and other service providers to diversify income and provide products for local market.

  3. Nutrition (Improving Food Utilization)

    The CoLF secessions of ASE are very instrumental to introduce the use of diverse food staffs, which are not popular in the traditional dietary patterns of the community. Teaching mothers about efficient & effective way of preparing food stuffs to children and pregnant women is also another area of emphasis. Lessons on nutrition for children & adults are also a subject usually addressed in the CoLF sessions.

  4. Support factors of Food Security (Stability)

    This refers to the support of ASE strengthen community organizations that deals with food security issues as well as developing the value chain of selected food commodities to make sure food production & marketing is always developing despite the ever changing external factors. ASE’s capacity support extended to the staffs of the office of agriculture, health, water & sanitation as well as education is another important intervention that contributes to the stability of the food security status in the program area.

Contact Address

Addis Ababa P.O.BOX 2460 Ethiopia
Phone: +251 114 65 12 12
Fax: +251 114 65 40 88